I am an assistant professor at the Algorithmics group of the Department of Software Technology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science at Delft University of Technology.

My research

I specialise in Symbolic AI (mathematical logic-based reasoning). Even though we as a society put a lot of trust in AI, mainstream AI systems are essentially “just winging it”. I care about create AI systems that deserve our trust.

Real-world problem-solving typically involves reasoning about uncertain knowledge and uncertain future events. Well-informed decision-making hence requires us to take that uncertainty into account. Precisely because the world is uncertain enough by itself, it is important that we can trust the AI systems that aid us in our decision-making. By designing our algorithms carefully (LatEtAl22, LatEtAl24b), we can create a reality in which AI can aid humans to make decisions (LatEtAl23) about uncertain events (LatEtAl17, LatEtAl19a), while providing guarantees (LatEtAl24a) that the reasoning behind those decisions is correct.

You will find a list of code and publications on this page.

My background

Before joining TU Delft, I spent two years at the Meel group, at the School of Computing of the National University of Singapore, as a post-doctoral Research Fellow working under the supervision of Prof. dr. Kuldeep Meel. Before that, I earned a doctorate degree from Leiden University, under the supervision of Dr. Siegfried Nijssen, Prof. dr. Holger Hoos and Prof. dr. Joost Kok.

Over the last few years, I have spent time as a visiting researcher at Université catholique de Louvain, University of Toronto (working with Prof. dr. Fahiem Bacchus) and the Simons Institute at University of California, Berkeley.

If you would like to know more about my current position, research interests and achievements, please check out my cv.

Want to work with me?

I am currently looking for motivated MSc and BSc students with a solid background in algorithm design and logic, who would like to do their research project with me. Please contact me if you are interested, so we can discuss possible topics.




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A: It’s Inconstant Regular, a font that is designed to be dyslexia-friendly.