Daniël defends his work


1 minute read

Yesterday was a very special day: Daniël Fokkinga, the master student who I have been supervising together with Marie Anastacio, Holger Hoos and Siegfried Nijssen, presented and defended his master thesis!

It is wild to see this happening only a few years after I defended mine. It feels like it was just such a short time ago that I was in his shoes, and yet I’m at the other side of this interaction now, prepping difficult questions for him to answer.

I was very happy to see that he brought a lot of friends and family, and it was lovely to meet them. Meeting Daniël’s parents and brother made me feel quite special, because he’s been such an important person in my work life for over a year, working with him on an interesting line of research. It was nice to have someone at the institute to talk to about my own research, and very gratifying to see him do so well at his presentation. It made me feel special that I got to share that with the actual important people in his life 🙂

Congratulations to Daniël for achieving this milestone!