Workshop on Counting and Sampling, 2021 edition


less than 1 minute read

Just like last year, the International Workshop on Counting and Sampling was held online, in conjunction with the SAT conference. Just like last year, I was honoured to be invited to submit an extended abstract to this workshop.

We decided to submit an update of Jeroen’s work on caching for model counters, based on his master thesis work. It was accepted, so last week Jeroen presented our work.


While I was naturally happy to see our work presented, I also very much enjoyed the rest of the program. It has been a while since I’ve seen so many interesting talks in a row. I particularly liked the contributions from Tuukka Korhonen and Lucas Bang.

Jeroen’s slides can be found here, and a recording of his presentation is also available online.

Thanks to the organisers! I am looking forward to attending next year’s edition!